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Find a CureSee-affiliated Clinic Near You

At CureSee, we're committed to providing our patients with the best possible care for amblyopia. That's why we've partnered with a network of clinics across the country to bring our AI-powered vision therapy to more people. On this page, you can search for a clinic near you that offers CureSee therapy. Simply enter your location and we'll show you a list of nearby clinics that are affiliated with us. You can also filter your search by distance, services offered and other criteria. Don't let lazy eye hold you back any longer. Find a CureSee-affiliated clinic near you and start your journey to better vision today. As seen on Shark Tank India

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Listen to what a 9-year old kid said about CureSee Vision Therapy.

There's nothing more satisfying than seeing your patients recovering from your solutions.

Listen to what a college-going sophomore said about CureSee Vision Therapy.

When we say CureSee can cure anyone at any age, don’t believe us, Believe our patients.

Another college-going sophomore, this is how CureSee helped her!

CureSee assures a life changing experience for both the patients as well as practitioners. Here every patient is a success story.

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